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Safety & Tips

Safety of the Lawn

Think first, then reverse

"Americans enjoy their backyards and good times with family and friends. From lawn mowers to weed trimmers, people power up to keep their lawns in beautiful shape. That's why it's vital people know the rules of the lawn --how to use outdoor power equipment responsibly, especially riding lawn mowers. You would never back your automobile out of the garage without checking behind you to make sure there are no kids or pets or objects in the way, You ought to do the exact same thing with your riding lawn mower. Always check what’s behind you before you operate a riding mower in reverse.”

Lawn cutting tips

Lawnmower Tune-up Tips

If, after mowing, you discovered later that what was once a green and beautiful lawn became a bright white patch of something else, read on. A dull lawnmower blade is a culprit. When grass is torn by a dull lawnmower blade...instead of cleanly cut with a sharp one...the result is frayed edges of grass that dry out and turn white. It's like the difference between a slice with a surgeon's scalpel and a rip with Captain Hook's claw. Besides the resultant bad coloring, each torn blade of grass means you have a lawn susceptible to disease...kind of like what would happen if you had an open wound.